Senin, 22 Oktober 2007

Places Interest At Java

Java is known as tropical paradise with a beauty nature and unique culture, that so many interesting place through the island, here bellows are only some of them:

Jakarta :

* Old Batavia ( Kota )
* Jakarta History Museum
* Sunda Kelapa
* Glodok, Jakarta 's Chinatown
* National Museum
* National Monument (Monas)
* Lapangan Banteng
* Taman Mini Indonesia Indah
* Taman Impian Jaya Ancol
* Pulau Seribu


* Old Batavia ( Kota ) - the old town of Batavia, known as Kota today, is the oldest and finest reminder of the Dutch presence in Indonesia.

* Jakarta History Museum – the museum is housed in the old town hall of Batavia, built in 1627, its one of the most solid reminders of Dutch ruled to be found in Indonesia.

* Sunda Kelapa – the 500 –year-old port of Sunda Kelapa, the harbor is still home to the largest sailing fleets of its type and one of the most important calls for sailing vessel from all over the archipelago, you can find the magnificent Macasar schooners called phinisi, than you ever thought existed.

* Glodok, Jakarta 's Chinatown – hunt for temples along the narrow back streets, lined with Chinese food vendors and shop.

* National Museum – the National Museum , built in 1862, is the best museum in Indonesia , it contains the richest collection of Indonesian in the world, and its collection includes a huge ethnic map of Indonesia .

* National Monument (Monas) – built in 1961 during the Soekarno era to commemorate Indonesia 's struggle for independence from the Dutch, Monas rises 137 meters and is toped with 35 kg of pure gold leaf to symbolize the flame of freedom.

* Lapangan Banteng – Lapangan Banteng Square (formerly the weltevreden) was laid out by the Dutch in the 19 th century and the area has some of Jakarta 's best colonial architecture.

* Taman Mini Indonesia Indah – this 120-hectare open-air-cultural/amusement park is a window into the cultural and environmental complexity of Indonesia . Pavilions built in traditional style exhibits artifacts, customs, and life style of the people of each of 27 provinces.

* Taman Impian Jaya Ancol – this huge, landscape recreation park providing non-stop entertainment, has hotels, nightclubs, theatres and variety of sporting facilities.

* Pulau Seribu – means” Thousand Islands” and refers to the 140 or so small islands situated in Jakarta Bay just North of the City. Only seven of the islands are populated, the rest are covered with coconut palms. A number of the islands have become private holyday heavens.

West Java :

* Anyer beach
* Carita beach
* Pelabuhan Ratu beach
* Bogor (Botanical Garden)
* Puncak Pass Area
* Bandung area and around Bandung (Lembang, Maribaya Hot Spring, Tangkuban Prahu, Ciater Hot Spring)
* Garut area and around
* Tasikmalaya area and around
* Pangandaran beach


* Anyer beach – resort are popular with Jakarta residence and ideal for families

* Carita beach – has a wide sandy beach that is good for swimming and plenty of opportunities to go wandering along the beach or in land.

* Pelabuhan Ratu beach – this small fishing town has black-sand beaches, is a seaside resort popular with Jakarta residence.

* Botanical Garden – the gardens contain streams and lotus ponds and more than 15,000 species of trees and plants, including 400 types of magnificent palms, Botanical garden are covering an area of around 80 hectares.

* Puncak Pass area – this beautiful 1500m-high pass on a narrow , winding mountain road which passes through small resort town and tea plantation.

Around Bandung :

Lembang – it's a hill resort, you also can found here the excellent cheap fruit at fruit market

Maribaya Hot Springs – has a thermal spa, landscaped gardens and a thundering waterfall

Tangkuban Prahu – the volcano crater stand 30km from Bandung still emits sulfur fumes but is not particularly active.

Ciater Hot Springs – is a little pretty place in the middle of huge tea and clove plantation

Around Garut :

Cangkuang Temple – one of the few Hindu temples in West Java, this small temple, renovated in 1976, lies on the edge of Situ Cangkuang, a peace full of small lake, dating from the 8 th century, the temple was in ruins when discovered and logged by the Dutch in 1893.

Gunung Papandayan – (2662m) is one of the most active and spectaculars volcanoes in West Java

Around Tasikmalaya :

Cipanas Galunggung – the hot spring has landscaped gardens and hot water swimming pools, and a walking trail leads to a small waterfall and on to the Galunggung crater.

Kampung Naga – is a traditional village and museum peace of Sundanese architecture and village life.

Pangandaran Beach - the fishing village of Pangandaran is Java's most popular beach resort. It lies on the narrow isthmus of peninsula with broad sandy beaches that sweep back along the main land

Central Java :

* Batu Raden
* Dieng Plateu
* Borobudur Temple
* Mendut Temple
* Yogyakarta area and around
* Prambanan Temple
* Sarangan


* Batu Raden – is one of Java's most attractive mountain resorts, on the slope of Gunung Slamet. Savor the mountain air on quite weekdays and go for walks through forested slopes to waterfalls and hot springs .

* Dieng Plateu – the oldest Hindus temples on Java are found on this lofty plateau, 2000m above sea level, the temples built between the 8 th and 9 th centuries, covered the highland plain.

* Borobudur Temple - ‘Buddhist monastery on the hill' it's topped by one of the greatest Buddhist relics of South East Asia – up there with Cambodia 's Angkor Wat and Myanmar 's Bagan

* Mendut Temple - this temple houses the most outstanding statue of any temple on Java that can still be seen in its proper place – a magnificent 3m-high figure of Buddha,

Around Yogyakarta :

Kraton - In the hearth of the old city, the huge palace of the sultans of Yogya is effectively the centre of a small walled-city within a city

Taman Sari ( Water Castle ) – this was once a splendid pleasure park of palace, pools and water ways for the sultan and his entourage. Kota Gede – has been famous since 1930s as the centre of Yogya's silver industry, the main street leading into town from the north is lined with busy silver workshop where you're free to wander around and watch the silversmith at work.

Parangtritis beach – resort are popular in Yogya, has rough and along sweep of shifting, black sand dunes backed by high, jagged cliffs.

* Prambanan Temple - These is the largest Hindu complex on Java, but the wealth of sculptural detail on the great Shiva temple makes it easily the most outstanding example of Hindu art

* Sarangan – this picturesque hill town lays on the slopes of Gunung Lawu, with the hotels clustered at the edge of ‘telaga pasir', a crater lake, at 1287m, it has a refreshing climate.

East Java :

* Malang area and around
* Gunung Bromo Volcano National Park
* Kawah Ijen
* Kaliklatak


Around Malang :

Batu – one of Java most attractive hill resorts on the slopes of Gunung Arjuna, the mountain scenery is superb, the climate delightfully cool.

Selekta – is a small resort, ‘Pemandian Selekta', a large swimming pool with a superb setting in landscaped gardens.

* Gunung Bromo Volcano National Park - Gunung Bromo (2392m) is an active volcano lying at the centre of the Tengger Massif, a spectacular volcanic landscape and one of the most impressive sights in Indonesia

* Kawah Ijen – the magnificent turquoise sulfur lake of Kawah Ijen (Ijen Crater) lies 2148m above sea level and is surrounded by the sheer walls of the crater

* Kaliklatak – is ‘agro tourism' venture to tour large coffee, cocoa, rubber, coconut and clove plantations.

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