Senin, 22 Oktober 2007

Yogyakarta City


Yogyakarta— despite the official spelling, the name is usually pronounced and not uncommonly written Jogjakarta or just Jogja (JOGH-jah) — is a major tourist destination in Indonesia. It is the capital city of the province of Yogyakarta Special Region which is located in the southern part of the Central Java province, Indonesia.


Yogyakarta is both the name of a province Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY), literally the Special Area Yogyakarta, and the name of one of DIY's 5 Districts, Kota (or city) Yogyakarta'. The other districts are Sleman on the slopes of fiery Mt Merapi to the North, Bantul all the way to the sea to the South, the hills of Gunungkidul to the East and the low lands of Kulon Progo to the West

One of Indonesia's few Special regions (another being Aceh), the Yogyakarta Special Region owes its special status to the sultanate of Hamengkubuwono, which has ruled the area since 1749 and steered the state through difficult times of occupation and revolution. When the central government tried to weaken the sultan's power by calling a direct election for the state leader, present sultan Hamengkubuwono X was chosen by an overwhelming majority.

Today's Yogyakarta is a bustling town of some 500,000 people and the most popular tourist destination on Java, largely thanks to its proximity to the temples of Borobudur and Prambanan. The town is a center of art and education, offers some good shopping and has a wide range of tourist facilities.

At 6:30am on Saturday morning, May 27th 2006, a Richter 5.9 earthquake struck the province of Yogyakarta and the adjoining district of Klaten in Central Java. Although relatively mild, from 40 kms below the surface the earthquake produced violent shockwaves that wobbled through the soft clay soils of Yogya's southern and eastern rice paddy districts for a brutal 60 odd seconds. In this briefest moment in time nearly 6,000 people died and over 300,000 houses were completely destroyed, with another 300,000 seriously damaged, making the Jogja earthquake, (in terms of physical damage) one of the worst in global history

Although Yogyakarta city was less than 25 kms from the epicenter few areas of the city suffered significant visual damage, with most damage confined to the south and east of the city centre in areas such as the famous silver smithing area of Kota Gede and the artsy areas to the south of Jl Prawirotaman

The massive response by the people of Java, the Indonesian government and the national and international aid community has resulted in one of the most rapid and effective disaster recovery operations ever.

The above said, many residents of the effected districts of Jogja and Central Java still remain deeply traumatized, continuing to suffer from the deep pain caused by the loss of family, injuries and loss of livelihoods. Aid efforts continue to this day, with many families still housed in makeshift or semi complete accommodation. Visitors should feel encouraged to travel through the earthquake affected area, assisting however they can

Get in

By plane

Yogyakarta's Adisucipto International Airport (JOG), 8 km east of town, is a small but busy domestic hub presently (2005) undergoing renovation and expansion. There are near-hourly connections on Garuda to Jakarta (50 minutes) and Denpasar, while other domestic airlines service major cities in Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan and Sulawesi.

There is a tourist information desk, ATM and taxi stand in the arrivals hall. A metered taxi to the city or direct to Prambanan costs about Rp 20,000. A departure tax of Rp 25,000 is charged for domestic flights.

Another option is to take a direct flight from Kuala Lumpur to Solo (SOC) with the discount airline Air Asia. There are bus services connection Solo to Yogyakarta. A direct taxi costs around Rp 300,000.

* Bandar Udara Internasional Adisucipto (Adisucipto International AIrport), Jalan Solo km9, Yogyakarta 55282, +62 274 484261 (fax: +62 274 488155).

By bus

The main bus station is Giwangan, 4 km to the southeast of the center. There are regular services throughout the island, including Jakarta (9 hours), Bandung (6 hours), and Surabaya (8 hours).

* Terminal Penumpang Giwangan (Giwangan Bus Terminal). Jalan Imogiri, Giwangan, Yogyakarta 55163, +62 274 378288, 7482222 (fax: +62 274 7483333

By train

Trains to Jakarta take between 7 to 12 hours from the main Yogyakarta station, commonly called Tugu Station. The Argo-class trains (Argo Lawu and Argo Dwipangga) are the best of the lot: most comfortable and fastest. Taksaka is almost as good. These expresses connect Yogyakarta and Jakarta in 7-8 hours, either at daytime or overnight. The line between Kroya and Prupuk, where the railway crosses the main backbone mountains of Java, is scenic.

Passengers to/from Bandung should take the Argo Wilis or Lodaya expresses which traverse a scenic part of Java during daylight hours, with rice fields and mountains. The fare is Rp155.000 including lunch.

Passengers to Surabaya are served by the twice-daily Sancaka service departing in the morning and afternoon.

Yogyakarta and Solo is connected by the five Prambanan Ekspres trains. Despite the name, the train does not stop at Prambanan, and even if it does make an unscheduled stop, the station is rather far from the temple complex of Prambanan.

* Stasiun Tugu (Tugu Central Railway Station), Jalan Mangkubumi 1, Yogyakarta 55232, +62 274 589685. The main central station, serves big city destinations such as Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, and Solo.

* Stasiun Lempuyangan (Lempuyangan Railway Station), Jalan Lempuyangan, Yogyakarta 552224. Serves economy class trains and small city destinations.

Get around

Yogyakarta is a relatively small city, so travelling around town should not be too expensive.

By taxi

Yogyakarta's taxis are metered and nowadays most taxi drivers are trustworthy. Flagfall is Rp 5000 and most trips around the center of town should not cost more than Rp 15,000. After dark the minimum fare for a taxi is Rp 10,000 even if the meter reads less that Rp 10,000. If by chance you find a taxi driver that you feel comfortable with and trustworthy, ask for his cellular phone number so that next time you need to travel you can call directly to his cell phone and arrange your travel needs. Most taxi drivers will be more than happy to do this.

* Taksi Armada, +62 274 517248.

* Taksi ASA, +62 274 545545.

* Taksi Centris, +62 274 544977.

* Taksi Vetri, +62 274 563555.

By trishaw

Traditional three-wheeled and pedal-powered cart, known as becak, which can be found in most part of Yogyakarta. Haggle furiously before getting into the becak. Be sure to determine whether the price is for a one-way or return (pulang) trip and if you want the driver to wait whilst you conduct your shopping or business. A ride from within the city to the Malioboro shopping precinct should not cost more than $1.00.

By horse cart

Traditional horse-pulled carts, known as andong, or dokar, wait for tourists outside hotspots like the train station, the Kraton and Mal Malioboro. Haggle furiously. The traditional route is from Jalan Malioboro to Keraton, and this is where you'll find most andong. Usually, andong opt to take you to shop for fake Dagadu t-shirt in Ngasem area with hefty prices. Then, andong will take you back to your initial journey. The cost for one round trip for andong is Rp 20,000 (twenty thousand rupiahs). Usually they ask for Rp 30,000 but they may settle for less. Andong can accommodate up to 5 adult passengers.

By bus

Medium and small size buses are the main public transport in Yogyakarta. Public buses normally operates from 6 am to 5 pm, and some long routes extend their operation until 9 pm. Please never bring anything valuable on public buses, pickpockets in buses are now more common than ever before. Cost for single trip is Rp 2000 regardless of distance (within the city). Usually on a bus there will be one driver and one helper who will hang from the side of the bus and handle money and try to get passengers. The helper will usually tap you on the shoulder to indicate you should pay him. If there is no helper you can pay the driver directly. When you are ready to get off a bus, tell the driver or helper "Kiri," which means left. Animated bus route maps are available at Transportation Agency of Yogyakarta website [1].


Being one of the oldest cities in Indonesia, Yogyakarta has many heritage buildings and monuments. The number one must-see attraction is Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono's palace, better known as Kraton Ngayogyakarta. Other heritage buildings from colonial era are: BNI '46 building, Kantor Pos Besar (Central Post Office) building, and Bank Indonesia building, all of them are located near Sultan's palace. Other notable landmarks and attractions are:

* Tugu Monument. A well known landmark located in the center of downtown Yogyakarta. Built by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono VI, the top spire was originally a round sphere which represents the universe. During the colonial era, the spire was replaced with a golden cylinder.

* Benteng Vredeburg, Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani 6, Yogyakarta 55122, +62 274 586934, 510996 (fax: +62 274 586934). A Dutch fort located in front of Gedung Agung (President's Palace). A great example of the Dutch colonial architecture. A few warfare items are still preserved, including a twin cannon.

* Kotagede. The capital of ancient Islamic Mataram kingdom. The tomb of Mataram Kingdom's first king, Sultan Agung, is also located in this place. Before independence, Kotagede was the central economic district of Yogyakarta, as it held the largest marketplace and was home to many wealthy batik merchants. Although some ancient buildings have been modernized or replaced with newer buildings, Kotagede remains a prime example of ancient Javanese architecture and city structure. Be sure to check out the local silver handicrafts.

* Imogiri, southwest of town. Graveyard of the Yogyakarta and Surakarta royal families. Suffered damage during 2006 earthquake but has reopened.

Kotabaru, which used to be Dutch officials residential area, has few heritage homes as well as a colonial style church & monastery (Gereja Kotabaru) and a stadium (Stadion Kridosono).

Kraton Complex

The Sultan's Square

Alun-alun utara, the northern Sultan's Grounds, was originally used for Sultan's army training and hence closed to public, but the area was opened to the public during the reign of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX. Now, alun-alun utara is the venue for the quarterly parade known as Garebeg, which is held in the month of Maulud, Besar and Sawal. In this parade, the Sultan's servants bring huge cone-shaped offerings to the alun-alun utara. After the parade, attendees scramble to get a scrap of this offering, as it is believed to bring good luck.

Prior to the month of Maulud, a public fair is held in alun-alun utara for 30 days. This fair is very popular and offers many kind of goods ranging from traditional handicrafts to melamine dishes from China. A unique snack sold in this event is galundeng, deep fried dough similar to a donut.

The Sri Sultan's palace or Kraton encompasses the main palace, Sultan's residential, two Sultan's grounds, and large residential area where sultan servants used to reside. Notable attraction in Kraton complex are:

* Kraton Yogyakarta. A calm yet elegant Javanese heritage that consists of two separate entrances: the Main Court (Pagilaran & Siti Hinggil), and the Residence. The Main Court showcases the grandeur of Sultan's monarchy, while the Residence is more homey while still exhibiting the royal family's luxurious lifestyle. Open 8.30 AM to 1 PM daily, on Friday the attraction is closed at 11 AM. While the guide is part of the entrance fee, they might expecting tips. Some guide might offer extended trip to sultan's servants batik workshop, this is a scam as they only bring you to a regular batik shop with steep price. It's a good idea to refuse their offer politely. Rp 2000.

* Sultan's Carriage Museum (Museum Kereta) . This museum houses Sultan's horse-drawn carriages, including two beautiful carriages imported from the Netherlands and known as Golden Carts (kereta kencana).

* Taman Sari, Jalan Taman, Kraton Yogyakarta 55133. Also known by the Dutch name waterkasteel (water castle), this is a partly ruined complex built as a pleasure garden by the first Sultan in 1765. One of the bathing pools was dedicated to the sultan's harem, and he had a tower overlooking the area so he could take his pick. Entrance fee does not cover the guide, who will expect tips. Open 9 AM to 3 PM daily. Rp 5000.

* Siti Hinggil Selatan. This somehow-muted palace is rarely used for formal occasion. You can catch a shadow puppet performance during weekend night.

* Alun-alun or the Sultan's ground. There are two Sultan's grounds: Alun-alun Utara and Alun-alun Selatan or the northern and southern Sultan's ground, consecutively. If you are lucky, you can see the Gerebeg Maulud parade during Prophet Muhammad's birthday.

* Masjid Gede Kauman, one of the oldest and largest mosque in Yogyakarta. Located on the west of Alun-alun Utara, this mosque was where the Sultan performs his religious rites and ceremonies. Non-muslim visitors should wear decent clothing. It may be a good idea to ask the mosque authorities prior to entering the mosque due to some rules that must be abide.

Yogyakarta city was built with deep philosophy: the city was designed so that the main elements of the city forms a imaginary line. This straight line starts from Parangtritis on the coast, to Kraton Yogyakarta, to Tugu Monument, and finally to Mount Merapi. This represents Sultan's strong relationship with the guardian spirits of Mt. Merapi and the beach of Parangtritis.


* Museum Dirgantara (aircraft museum), Jalan Kolonel Sugiono, Yogyakarta 55002 (behind Adi Sucipito Airport), +62 0274 564465, 564466. M-Th 8AM-1PM, Sa 8AM-12PM. This Indonesian aircraft museum holds several antique aircraft from WWII era such as Badger bomber, MIG-15 to MIG-21, P-51 Mustang, Catalina flying boat, Auster MkII, Lavochkin LA-11, F-86 Sabre, T-33 Bird, A6M5 Zero, etc. Rp 5000.

* Museum Sonobudoyo, Jalan Trikora 6, Yogyakarta 55122 (north alun-alun), +62 274 76775, 373617 (fax: +62 274 385664). A Javanese archeology museum, has many Javanese artefacts like wayang puppets, masks, statues, textiles, weapons, as well as a full set of Javanese gamelan instruments. Worth a visit if you have some extra time in Yogya, or you are interested in Javanese culture study. Rp 3000.

* Museum Kekayon, Jalan Raya Yogya–Wonosari (km 7) 277, Baturetno, Banguntapan, Bantul, Yogyakarta 55179, +62 0274 513218, 379058, 0818260020. e-mail: Tu-Su 8AM-3PM. A wayang (puppet) museum with a lush javanese style garden. It is divided into 10 sectors, where each holds a vast amount of wayang puppets from various places in Indonesia. Rp 5000.

Art Gallery

* Bentara Budaya, Jalan Suroto 2, Kota Baru. +62 0274 560404. Art exhibitions, movies, book discussions.

* Cemeti Art House, Jalan D.I. Panjaitan 41, +62 0274 371105, ( Fine art and modern art exhibitions, book discussions and performances.

* French/Indonesian Cultural Center (LIP), Jalan Sagan 3, +62 0274 566520. Art exhibitions, movies, book discussions, performances, library.

* Kedai Kebun, Jalan Tirtodipuran 3, +62 274 376114, ( Art exhibitions, performances, book discussions.


* Masangin (masuk antara dua beringin, passing two ficus trees). This simple and fun game is held at South Alun-alun (Sultan's square). The participant is blindfolded and he/she must walk straight to pass two ancient ficus tree. Even though it sounds like an easy task, most participants usually failed. After that, you can go to the food stalls around the corner, relax a bit and have a sip of warm Wedang Ronde (ginger drink).

* Sunday Morning at Boulevard UGM, every Sunday, the wide main boulevard in Universitas Gadjah Mada complex (UGM) is crowded with students jogging and practicing martial arts like Karate, Silat, and Capoeira. Wake up early at 7-9 AM and head to the boulevard UGM to do a bit of exercise. After that, you can taste many kind of foods sold by stalls there. The menu includes Opor Ayam (chicken curry with rice cake), Bubur Ayam (Chicken Porridge), Siomay (fish dumplings), and Sate Ambal (chicken satay with tempeh sauce). Don't forget to check the flea market nearby.

* Wayang Kulit, the Javanese shadow play, are performed nightly at venues around town. Ask at tour agencies or the tourist office.

* Becak or Andong ride, take a short trip around the town using Becak or Andong cart.

* Shop at Traditional Market, witness local's habits by visiting Yogya's traditional market such as Pasar Beringharjo and Pasar Kranggan.

* Reflexology, achieve soothing experience by having a short reflexology massage. Currenly one of the hippesting among Jogjanese.

* Rafting, a splashy ride at Elo river.

* Yoga & Meditation, Balance Mind-Body-Soul, Jalan Cendrawasih 36, Demangan Baru, Jogjakarta 55281, +62 274 742-7925, 566-717 (fax: +62 274 566-717), [2]. Classes daily.

* Golf, Merapi Golf is one of the famous golf resort located near mount Merapi where you could enjoy the view of mountountins while playing golf. Many of the golf addict come to Yogyakarta from anywhere around just to visit this place. There is another Golf resort like what provided by Hyatt Hotel.

* Dance, Bailamos, Jalan Demangan Baru 1. Provides ballet and international ballroom/latin dancing.


Yogyakarta is known as the city of education as well as the city of culture. This title is not without reason: many education institution are located here. Every year, around mid-July, thousands of new students from all over Indonesia flock into this city, converting the once quiet town to a busy yet dynamic city.

* Universitas Gadjah Mada [3]. The oldest university in Indonesia and one of the largest universities in Southeast Asia. Recently The Times ranked UGM as 56th of the world’s top 100 arts and humanities universities.

* Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta [4]. University that spesialize in education. UNY is a university for prospective teacher. However, there are pure sciences too in UNY

* Institut Seni Indonesia [5]. The largest art academy in Indonesia offers various undergraduate and graduate degrees on the subject of traditional arts such as Javanese dance, wayang performance, & gamelan music, etc; to modern and contemporary arts like theatre, broadcast, & graphic design.

* Universitas Islam Indonesia [6]. This is the oldest private university in Indonesia, established 40 days before the independence day of Indonesia in 1945. It is now a modern university with 9 faculties ranging from Islamic studies to Civil Engineering and Planning.

* Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga [7]. Named after Sunan Kalijaga, UIN offers various courses on the subject of Islam.

* Wisma Bahasa - Indonesian Language Course [8] This is the oldest Indonesian Language Course in Yogyakarta, since 1982. Wisma Bahasa provides Indonesian, Javanese, Tetum, and English Course. We are not teachers to learners, but friends. We do not just teach the language, but create situations in which learners enjoy communicating in the target language. Hospitality is our principle. This is why we do not name our institution a college or school, but a home of language, Wisma Bahasa


Many curious goods are available in many places in this city. If you love timeless pieces, Yogyakarta is the home of batik, traditional wayang puppets, sculpture, ceramics and silverware. Countless handicrafts from outside Yogyakarta can also be found here. Don't be surprised if you bump into souvenirs from Bali or Asmat, often with better deal than if bought in those islands. Alternatively, as a constantly growing city, Yogyakarta has several stylish malls and trade center that offers interesting goods and services at a reasonable cost.


Malioboro is a well-known shopping promenade and very popular among Indonesian as well as international tourists. Spans from the Tugu Station to the Sultan's square, Malioboro is 2 kilometers in length and home to hundreds of shops and street-stalls which offers various kind of handicrafts. Several notable places in Malioboro are:

* Pasar Beringharjo (Beringharjo Marketplace), Jalan Pabringan 1, Yogyakarta 55122 (north of Vredeburg Fort), +62 274 515871, 561510. Literally means slanted land, Beringaharjo is the largest traditional marketplace in Yogyakarta. The vendors sell many kind of goods, ranging from basic household items (vegetables, fruits, meats) to many kind of handicrafts. Haggle furiously.

* Mirota Batik (opp Pasar Beringharjo), Jalan Ahmad Yani 9, Yogyakarta 55122, +62 274 588524, 518127, 547016 . The large family-owned store offers plenty of handicrafts, not only from Yogyakarta but also from all part of Indonesia.

* Dagadu (lower ground floor Malioboro Mall). Offers funny contemporary t-shirts and souvenirs that revolves around Yogyakarta people's culture.

If travelling on foot is not your thing, you can ride the pedal-powered trishaw called becak, or the andong horsecart.

Warning: While Yogyakarta is safer than Jakarta, it's not free from pickpockets. Most of the time, Malioboro sidewalk is overcrowded, take standard precautions to protect your belongings.

Shopping Malls

While not as populated as Jakarta, Yogyakarta has several trendy malls which shows a glimpse of the alternate side of Yogyakarta culture.

* Malioboro Mall, Jalan Malioboro 52-58 Yogyakarta 55001, +62 274 551888 (fax: +62 274 588242). Yogyakarta's premier shopping mall for shopping in hassle-free, air-con comfort. Features a large Matahari department store, a Hero supermarket (B1F), a Periplus book store with a good English selection (B1F), and all the usual suspects of Western and Indonesian fast food (McDonald's, Pizza Hut, KFC, EsTeler 77, etc). Home to the largest Dagadu outlet.

* Galleria Mall, Jalan Jendral Sudirman 99-101, Yogyakarta 55223, +62 274 583661 (fax: +62 274 583711). A compact mall anchored by Matahari department store. The food court at the basement is popular among the youths. Features many interesting restaurant including KFC, McDonald's Express, Thai Express, Bakso Gress (Chinese meatballs served with noodles), Mie Nusantara, Bee's (Japanese Bento), Es Teler 77, Cheers Cup (assortments of fresh drinks).

* Plaza Ambarrukmo (Amplaz), Jalan Laksda Adisucipto Yogyakarta 55281, +62 274 4331000, (fax: +62 274 4331001), [9]. Located next to the historical Ambarrukmo Hotel, the huge 5 floors shopping complex features a Centro Department Store, Carrefour Hypermarket, Gramedia Bookstore, Timezone, 21 Cineplex, Bread Talk, Starbucks Cofee, Dagadu, etc. The food court is located on the 3rd floor. ATM center is located on the lower ground floor.

* Saphir Square, Jalan Laksda Adisucipto 32-34 Yogyakarta 55001, +62 274-558777, (fax +62 274 558666). A large trade center located next to the Saphir Hotel consists of small shops. The shops int first floor sells many counterfeit goods like Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Guess bags.


* Saptohoedojo Art Gallery, Jalan Solo km 9 (500m from airport), [10]. This fascinatingly weird sprawling complex houses an utterly eclectic collection of Indonesian art, ranging from abstract modern paintings and batik shirts through gamelan instruments and stuffed tigers to Papuan tribal totems complete with the skulls of vanquished enemies. Everything is for sale and previous customers, pictures of whom are proudly pasted on the walls, include Pope John Paul II and the Dalai Lama. While the adjoining restaurant looks quite attractive, the food served is rather disappointing.

* Tjokrosuharto, Jalan Panembahan Angkurat 58, Yogyakarta 55131, +62 274 375208, [11]. This handicraft shop opens its door for business in 1954 and still operating today. It offers a large selection of javanese handicrafts such as wayang kulit (leather puppet), wayang golek (wooden puppet), batik, keris, silverware, sculptures, traditional outfits, etc.

Eat, Sweet & chilli cuisine

It's not a big secret to Indonesian people that Yogyakarta people adore sweet foods. The local dish known as gudeg, for example, is distinctively sweet in flavor. Local snacks, such as bakpia dan yangko, are extremely sweet. However, not every local dish is sweet. Krecek—the orengeish fried beef often served with gudeg—is poignantly hot for untrained tongue. Lodeh made by the locals, even though often referred as 'too sweet' by non Jogja, still has a hint of the fiery chilli taste. Its a good idea to ask the food vendor whether the dish is hot or not. For those who are just curious, simply ask them to omit the chilli from the dish and serve it separately. This way you can still taste the original flavour of the dish, but if you can't handle the chilli flavor you can simply not adding the chilli into your meal

Originally, Yogyakarta dishes are known for its sweetness. However, as more and more people move to Yogya, this small city starts seeing more diversity in flavor. Now you can find many kind of interesting dishes, ranging from sweet, spicy, to fiery, sometimes a fusion from other cuisine such as Chinese or Western.

Local delicacies

The following dishes should be on every traveller's agenda:

* Gudeg, a curry of jackfruit, chicken and egg served with rice, and is the most famous local dish. Goopy slop in various shades of brown, the stuff does not look particularly appetizing, but it can be tasty if done right. There many gudeg restaurants, but the most popular are: Gudeg Wijilan, Gudeg Juminten, Gudeg Bu Tjitro, Gudeg Tugu, Gudeg Bu Amat. If you can wake up early in the morning, you may find small stalls serving Gudeg just at the corner of the street, or close to traditional markets.

* Ayam Goreng Mbok Berek (Mbok Berek's Fried Chicken). Fried free range chicken with mild garlic and coriander flavor served with crunchy crackers.

* Nasi Langgi, locally known as Sego Langgi (Langgi Rice). Warm rice served with various side dishes. Can be found in small stall in Gandekan street.

* Kipo, bite size snacks made of green colored tapioca dough filled with sweetened grated coconut. Can be found in Kotagede.

* Bakpia, another bite size snack made from sweetened greenbean paste wrapped with thin dough pastry. The most popular bakpia is known as Bakpia Patuk, which not surprisingly, are sold in Pathuk street, also known as Jalan Aip K.S. Tubun.

* Jadah Tempe, sandwich of rice cake and sweet beancake. Can be found in Kaliurang.


Pasar Tiban Kauman

During the Ramadhan fasting season, the local residents at Kauman area open a temporary market selling many kind apetiting snacks and dishes. This market is not only great for sampling local foods, but also great for experiencing old architecture as it is set on a long pathway of classic javanese neighborhood. Opens at around 3PM and closes at 6PM, the foods are meant to be eaten for breaking the fasting at dawn. Consuming the food in the area before dawn, even if your are not fasting, is considered inappropiate. Kauman, means the place for preachers since it is in the same block of the Masjid Agung (sultan's royal mosque), was home to many islamic leaders such as Ahmad Dahlan, the founder of Muhammadiyah movement.

Yogyakarta is heaven of inexpensive foods, and some tasty and filling dishes can be as low as 25 US cents. However, since there are hundreds, if not thousands hawker stalls offering inexpensive foods, some of them are not delicious. For a start, head to well known food stalls such as:

* Angkringan Tugu, hawker stall located close to the Tugu Station serving small rice packs (known as sego kucing) and various other foods, 6PM-4AM. The most popular beverages is kopi joss, Javanese espresso dipped with burning coal. Very inexpensive. Rp 1000-Rp 6000.

* Gudeg Tugu, Jalan Diponegoro, close to Kranggan marketplace, 7PM-1AM. Popular Gudeg stall. A complete dish consists of: warm rice, shredded chicken, brown hard-boiled egg, gudeg, areh sauce, and the hot & spicy sambal goreng krecek. Rp 7000-Rp 10.000.

* Soto Pak Soleh. Tegalrejo, near Diponegoro Museum. This well-known restaurant is Pak Soleh's family business and is now ran by his son. They only serve Yogyakarta-style beef soup as their main menu, which has a spicy taste from the added ginger. Rp 5000.

* Spesial Sambal. A local chain for those who like spicy, hot food. Their speciality, as the name suggests, is their various kind of sambal (sambal is a kind of hot relish). Rp 5000-Rp 12,000.

* Waroeng Steak. A local restaurant chain. Their speciality is batter-fried beef steak served with thick gravy. Rp 6000-Rp15,000.

* Xtra Hot. A local tent-scheme restaurant specializing in delicious grilled food, with a good variety of sambals (chili) to choose from, yet with affordable prices. Located in Jalan Kaliurang (Next to BCA Bank). Main courses from Rp.4500 (U$ 0.5) onwards.

* Soto Sawah Pak Slamet. A local chicken soup store located at 5 km west side from Yogya, Open morning - afternoon. Rp 5.000


* Ayam Goreng Suharti, Jalan Laksda Adisucipto 208, Yogyakarta, +62 274 515522. A very popular mbok berek fried chicken restaurant, the recipe still remains a secret.

* Bakmi Kadin, Jalan Bintaran Kulon 3, Yogyakarta. Javanese style soft-fried noodles. Don't miss the popular wedang bajigur, a local beverages made from warm coconut milk with subtle ginger flavor and garnished with diced coconut and kolang-kaling. Local kroncong street quartet often performs in the area. Rp 18,000-Rp 20,000.

* Dixie Easy Dining or simply Dixie, Jalan Gejayan 40b (south Selokan Mataram), +62 274 560745. Offers various kind western and asian dishes served with distinct modern-asian style. Nice modern-ethnical interior. Rp 8000-Rp 50,000.

* Empek-Empek Kamto, Jalan Beskalan 3 Yogyakarta (opp to Ramai Shopping Mall's south entrance), +62 274 514294. Originated from Palembang, deep-fried fish cake and served with sour soy sauce. There are many variety of empek-empek: kapal selam (means submarine) comes with boiled eggs inside, adaaan/bulat has a garlic taste, while lenggang is an empek-empek omelet.

* Gudeg Sagan, An eating place in Jalan Sagan (In front of Toko Sagan Baru) offering rice, seasoned porridge, gudeg, areh sauce, sambal goreng krecek, complete with chicken and brown hard-boiled egg.

* Gudeg Wijilan Yu Djum, Jalan Wijilan 31, Kraton and Jalan Kaliurang km 4.5, Karangasem CT III/22, Yogyakarta 55281, +62 274 515968. A more lavish variety of Gudeg, served with thicker sauce, and more expensive as well.

* Kedai Tiga Nyonya, Jalan Jendral Sudirman 16, Yogyakarta, +62 274 589315. 10AM-10PM. Peranakan food restaurant, a fusion of Indonesian, Chinese, and Dutch cuisinie. Their specialty is grilled fish, sour ribs soup, and candlenut chicken. Rp 20,000-50,000

* Pecel Solo, Jalan Palagan Tentara Pelajar 52, Sleman (adj Hyatt Regency), Phone: +62 274 866588. Offers a large selection of Solo style foods like Pecel Solo (vegetables with peanut sauce), Sego Liwet (steamed rice with sweet curry sauce), Nasi Kebuli (pungent rice with roasted lamb), and Bebak Goreng (fried duck Solo style). Rp 10,000-Rp 30,000.

* Quali Resto, Plaza Ambarrukmo, 3rd floor, near the foodcourt. Serves various kind of chinese dishes, but their specialty is kwetiaw (wide noodles). Rp 15.000.

* Sate Karang, Lapangan Karang, Kotagede, Yogyakarta. 5PM-10.30PM. Grilled beef satay served with lontongs (rice cake), peanut sauce and thin curry soup. Rp 15.000.

* Sapi Bali, Jalan Umbul Permai, Mudal, Sariharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman, Yogyakarta, +62 274 7858938. Serves Balinese style ribs, although a litle too hot and spicy for some foreigner. If you do not prefer hot and spicy dish, opt for Soy Sauce Ribs instead. Rp 25.000.

* Via Via, Jalan Prawirotaman, An excellent travellers cafe, there are clocks on the wall showing the time in other Via Via cafes around the world and a mix of travellers and Indonesian locals. Offers a range of western dishes (good french onion soup) and specialty Indonesian dishes at a good price. Caters very well to vegetarians (tofu and tempe). Cane chairs and lots of space and games. Rp 20,000 Rp 40,000.


Yogya is filled with many 'high-end' restaurants serving many kind of dishes, from western to asian to asian-fusion cuisines.

* Gabah Resto, Jalan Dewi Sartika 11A Sagan, +62 274 515626. Western dishes. Modern classy decoration. Rp75,000-Rp150,000.

* Gajah Wong, Jalan Gejayan, +62 274 588294, [12]. Serves many kind of dishes including French, Italian, Indian, Chinese as well as Indonesian. Divided into 3 zones: Country, Javanese and Colonial, each is lavishly decorated and themed with live music. In the Javanese zone, you can hear the Javanese gamelan music performed throughout the night, while the Colonial zone has a live jazz band.

* Seven Resto Jalan C. Simanjutak 64 Yogyakarta 55223, +62 274 581163 (fax: +62 274 581163). A cool and airy restaurant in the middle of the busy city, Seven resto offers many delicious western and eastern dishes like Singapore style crab, Tom Yum soup, Dimsums, etc. During weekend they serve delicious dim sum. Rp 15,000-Rp60,000.

Drink, Clubs

* Embassy, Sheraton Mustika Resort and Spa complex, Jalan Laksda. Adisucipto km8.7, Yogyakarta 55282 (behind Hugo's), +62 0274 487241. 10PM-3AM. Nightclub franchise from Jakarta.

* Hugo's, Sheraton Mustika Resort and Spa complex, Jalan Laksda. Adisucipto km8.7, Yogyakarta 55282, +62 0274 487241. 10PM-3AM. Stylish yet funky club with wild and friendly servers. Popular among the youths and expatriates. Be sure to watch the 12AM ritual performed by the bartenders and servers. Offers live music and DJ's.

* Republic, Hotel INNA Garuda, Jalan Malioboro 60, Yogyakarta 55213, +62 274 566353. DJ's and live Music.

* Caesar Cafe And Lounge, Plaza Ambbarukmo (3rd floor), Jalan Laksda Adisucipto, Yogyakarta 55281. Lounge at noon, and club at night, start from 10.00 PM, you can choose whether want club or lounge atmosphere.


Lounges/cafe's are an evergrowing phenomena throughout Indonesia's trendy inner city environments

* Soda Lounge, Jalan Laksda Adisucipto 43, Yogyakarta 55221, +62 274 558236 (fax: +62 274 519556). Often hosts talk shows and book discussions. One of the older lounges around, now tired at the edges.

* Vino lounge, Grand Mercure hotel, Jalan Jendral Sudirman 9, Yogyakarta 55233, +62 274 566617, 7PM-3AM. Big screen, fee wifi, a upper crust gay and otherwise hangout on a friday evening.

Sleep, Budget

There are hundreds of budget hotels in Yogyakarta. Most of them can be found in Sosrowijayan street (which is adjacent to Malioboro) and Prawirotaman.

* Hotel Bladok. Jalan Sosrowijayan 76, +62 274' 560452. A clean and conveniently located hotel. A double room with fan and hot shower costs 140,000 Rp. A basic room is about 60-70,000. Bladok also features a restaurant. Try to book a room with a balcony.

* Setia Kawan, Sosrowijayan Wetan GT.1/27, +62 274 512452, []. Uniquely artistic hotel down one of the two main alleyways ('gangs') close to the train station. Clean, comfortable, and imaginatively decorated rooms (think Dali meets Indonesia) range from 50,000-100,000, including breakfast. Down the street is the owner's restaurant, offering a variety of Indonesian and vegetarian meals for cheap.

* Ministry of Coffee, Jalan Prawirotaman I/15A, Yogyakarta 55153, +62 274 376 057, 7473828, []. Jalan Prawirotaman's most modern establishment, clean white sheets, fluffy doonas and AC, a pleasant place, particularly for the price (about $20/night, comparable to other A/C locations). Each room has a unique decor and color scheme. The Ministry also has a coffeehouse, a library, and restaurant.

* Monica Hotel, Jalan Sosrowijayan GT1/192, +62 274 580598. Newly renovated, clean place, reasonable price. Rp60.000 for standard room with Fan and attached hot water bathroom. Rp100.000 for 4 occupants room with Fan and attached hot water bathroom. Price include breakfast, toast and coffee/tea.

* Losmen Nuri. Jalan Sosrowijayan Wetan GT I/77. Excellent value and very clean rooms, nicely decorated and a good atmosphere, rooms with shared or own bathroom. Prices starting from Rp.30.000.

* Wisma Gajah. Jalan Prawirotaman 4, +62 274 375659. Located on the thriving Prawirotaman district, Rooms ranging from doubles and singles with swimming pool and terraces. Prices range from "80,000Rp" to "140,000" Rp and with a restaurant on site.

* Yogya Moon Hotel. Jalan Kemetiran 21, 62 274 582465 (fax: +62 274 582084), [[13]. Budget hotel in town with cozy & homely touch.


* Ibis Malioboro, Jalan Malioboro 52-58, Yogyakarta 55001, +62 274 516974 (fax: +62 274 516977). Central location, somewhat grotty bathrooms, and grottier collars on reception staff uniforms.

* Jogja Village Inn, Jalan Menukan 5, Karangkajen, Yogyakarta 55153 (south of Prawirotaman), +62 274 373031, 384438, (fax: +62 274 382202), [14]. a Balinese style garden courtyard and swimming pool, good clean rooms reasonable rates.

* Inna Garuda, Jalan Malioboro 60, Yogyakarta 55213, +62 274 566353, [15]. Inna Garuda is the legendary hotel in Yogyakarta since 1908. Inna Garuda's 240 rooms are furnished in classic but modern elegance & face Malioboro street, the heart of Yogyakarta.

* Novotel, Jalan Jendral Sudirman 89, Yogyakarta 55223, +62 274 580930. Situated in the center of Yogyakarta city, this four star hotel is close to major destinations including Universitas Gadjah Mada, Malioboro, Sultan Palace (Kraton), and several shopping malls.

* Puri Artha Hotel, Jalan Cendrawasih 36, Demangan Baru, Jogjakarta 55281, +62 274 563288 (fax: +62 274 562765). A blend of traditional Javanese and Balinese style with western facilities. [16].

* Santika, Jalan Jendral Sudirman 19, Yogyakarta 55233, +62 274 563036, [17].


* Hyatt Regency, Jalan Palagan Tentara Pelajar, Yogyakarta 55581, +62 274 869123, [18].

* Melia Purosani, Jalan Suryotomo 31, Yogyakarta 55122, +62 274 589521, 589523.

* Mercure, Jalan Jendral Sudirman 9, Yogyakarta 55233, +62 274 566617, [19]. It has well trained hotel staff, always smiling and very pleasant.

* Sheraton Mustika Hotel, Jalan Laksda Adisucipto km 8.7, Yogyakarta 55282, +62 274 488588, [20].


The international country code for Indonesia is 62. The local area code for Yogyakarta is 274. There are three main telecommunication providers in Indonesia: Telkom Indonesia, Indosat and Excelcomindo. Coin operated public phones are limited in Yogyakarta. However there are many official telephone kiosks called Wartel.

International dialing

To make an IDD call from Indonesia, dial the access code 001 (for Indosat) and 007 (for Telkom), followed by the country code, area code and party's number.

also available cheaper IDD call via VoIP Technologies, IDD Prefix is 01016 (for Indosat user) and 01017 (for Wartel, Telkom, and Telkomsel user), and 01000 (for XL -excelcom- user)

Mobile Phones

Mobile Phones are carried by almost everyone in Indonesia. Prepaid SIM cards are widely available from many telecommunication providers, such as, Telkomsel, XL, indosat and Three, just bring your own GSM 900 or GSM 1800 phone. The pre-paid SIM card costs around Rp 10,000 up to Rp 30.000. A local phone call costs between Rp 500-Rp 2000 per minute. Local text message (SMS) costs about Rp 350, while international SMS cost about Rp 3000.

also available for CDMA users, Telkom Flexy, Indosat Jagoan, And Mobile-8 which are cheaper, but you must have RUIM CDMA Phone


There are many internet cafes in Yogyakarta which offer speedy access to the Internet. Several hotels provide wireless Internet access on the lobby. Ask the front desk about internet access.

* B@yonet, Jalan Jendral Sudirman 75, +62 274 550553.

* Gama Student Internet Center, UPT Perpustakaan Unit 2 Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jalan C. Simanjuntak.

* Ibis, Ibis Maliboro Hotel lobby (near to the 'Link Cafe' at Malioboro Mall).

* Intersat, Jalan Adisucipto 49, Yogyakarta 55281, +62 274 547732.

* Shooternet, Jalan Ampel 10 Papringan Yogyakarta 55281.


Tourism Information Centre in Jogyakarta:

* Jalan Malioboro 56, 62 274 587 486, (fax: +62 274 565 437), Tourism Promotion Board.

* Jalan Malioboro 16, +62 274 586809.

* Jalan Cendana 11, +62 274 562628, 564945 (fax: +62 274 564945).

Stay safe

Like any other larger Indonesian city, Yogya has its share of petty crime like pickpocketing, especially in local city busses. Watch out for gallery scams and streetsellers trying to get comission for batik. Most of them occur around kraton and Jalan Malioboro. Especially the government art centre scam which includes cheap transport to the 'genuine' gallery. An earthquake in 2006 caused severe damage. The volcanic presence of Mount Merapi, which also last erupted in 2006, looms over the city.


* Ambulance: 118.

* Police: 110.

* Yogyakarta Police headquarters:, Jalan Ringroad Utara, +62 274 563494

* Yogyakarta Police station, Jalan Reksobayan 1, +62 274 512511, 512940.

List of hospitals with 24 hours emergency room (ER):

* RSUP Dr. Sardjito, Jalan Kesehatan 1 Yogyakarta 55284. +62 274 587333, 547783.

* RSUD Kota Jogyakarta, Jalan Wirosaban 1, +62 274 371195.

* RS Bethesda, Jalan Jendral Sudirman 70, +62 274 586688, 562246.

· RS Panti Rapih, Jalan Cik Ditiro 30, +62 274 514845.

Get out, North

* The massive Buddhist temple of Borobudur, the largest Buddhist monument in the world, is 40 minutes away by car and one of the main drawcards for visitors to Yogyakarta.

* Kaliurang is a small town on the southern slope of Mount Merapi.

· Ketep offers a great vantage point for a spectacular view of Mount Merapi and Mount Merbabu. This site has a small cinema which regularly shows an interesting documentary of Mount Merapi. Located in Muntilan, east of Borobudur, 40 minutes from Yogyakarta by car.


* The Hindu temples of Prambanan, just 20 minutes away, are a close second. The smaller temples of Kalasan and others are on the way to Prambanan.

* Ratu Boko palace, only 2 kms north of Prambanan. An ancient royal palace complex, similar in architectural layout with other Kratons or palaces in Java. Magnificently located on top of a hill, Ratu Boko has been recently restored.


* Parangtritis on the south coast is one of the better known beaches. Local folklore suggests that this beach is the palace of the legendary Nyai Loro Kidul or 'Queen of the South'. It is common knowledge among locals not to wear anything green in color, or the Queen will entice the wearer into the ocean to drown. Warning: Never swim at Parangtritis beach. Its wild waves are known to be extremely deadly: many people have died who ignored these precautions.

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